Design Magazine Vol.1


For my final project in the Print Design and Publication class, I created a magazine centered around the theme of design. The magazine comprised three articles covering 3D design, photography, and mixed media design. As the sole designer for this project, I undertook the challenge of creating all the graphics and writing all the articles myself.

Tools Used




Project Type

School Project



Designing the Magazine:

To start, I researched extensively on the target audience and the content that would appeal to them. Using Adobe InDesign, I created the layout and design of the magazine to match the overall theme and feel. 

Additionally, I created all the graphics and images used throughout the magazine, such as product design, illustrations, and photography, using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I made sure that each graphic was visually appealing and aligned with the magazine’s aesthetic.

Writing the Articles:

Writing the articles required significant research and effort. However, I enjoyed the process of learning about each topic and writing engaging and informative content. 


The final magazine served as a testament to my skills in both graphic and publication design. The project was well-received by both my instructor and classmates. The design and content of the magazine resonated with the target audience, while the graphics and articles complemented each other to create a cohesive and engaging final product. Overall, the experience taught me valuable skills in project management, design, and content creation, and I am proud to have completed it successfully.